• 1.  Conductor GUI question on Nodes / Assets screen

    Posted 08-21-2019 16:07

    Dear 128T Experts,

    I have a question about 128T Conductor GUI on Nodes page and Assets page:
    The following is what I did:

    1) On Nodes page, the Associated Asset ID contained the Asset ID "asset123"
    2) I deleted "asset123" from the field, and Commit successfully.
    3) I went to the Admin Center --> Assets page and expecting the asset "asset123" showing under "Pending Assets" section on the left panel.
    4) The router which contains the node show "1 node(s) awaiting assets"
    5) "asset123" is not showing up under the Pending Assets section.

    Is my expectation wrong? Or if you know how to have a "pending asset" show up there, please advise me how. Thank you very much!!


    Chao-Yu Cheng
    Network Engineer
    Frenchtown NJ
    908 566-3547

  • 2.  RE: Conductor GUI question on Nodes / Assets screen

    Posted 08-22-2019 09:15

    Typically users only delete an Asset ID when they want to get rid of a piece of hardware and replace it with a different piece of hardware with a new Asset ID. An asset shows up in pending when the salt-minion on the asset reaches out to the Conductor. When an Asset ID is deleted, if you want that Asset ID to show up in pending again, sometimes you need to go to the asset itself and restart the salt-minion to get it to reach out to the master again. In order to do that, drop down to the Linux shell on the node itself and execute systemctl restart salt-minion.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions!

    Tyler Carroll
    Staff Software Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Conductor GUI question on Nodes / Assets screen

    Posted 08-22-2019 10:48
    Hi Tyler,

    Thank you very much for information. We certainly will give it a try.

    And by the way, do you happen to know any 128T API which can perform the following tasks?
    1) To query what the list of assets under Pending Assets section in Admin Center
    2) To accept a pending asset and associate to a node (so it will disappear from the Pending Assets section)

    Thank you again!


  • 4.  RE: Conductor GUI question on Nodes / Assets screen

    Posted 08-22-2019 11:11
    For the first question I posted:

       (1) To query what the list of assets under Pending Assets section in Admin Center

    I found the attached graphql query. Response is also attached.


    Chao-Yu Cheng
    Network Engineer
    Frenchtown NJ
    908 566-3547

  • 5.  RE: Conductor GUI question on Nodes / Assets screen

    Posted 08-22-2019 11:28
    Forgot to attach the files.


    Chao-Yu Cheng
    Network Engineer
    Frenchtown NJ
    908 566-3547

  • 6.  RE: Conductor GUI question on Nodes / Assets screen

    Posted 08-22-2019 13:14
    To answer your second question, the action being performed when a pending asset is associated with a node is actually a config commit. What is happening under the hood is the Asset ID is configured under the specific node that you want it associated with. The Asset ID field is located in configuration at:

    authority -> router -> node -> asset-id

    So to replicate the same behavior you can utilize the 128T API to add the specific Asset ID to the appropriate node and router then perform a commit.

    Tyler Carroll
    Staff Software Engineer

  • 7.  RE: Conductor GUI question on Nodes / Assets screen

    Posted 08-22-2019 13:30
    Hi Tyler,
    I just tried. It works !!!
    Also the command "sudo systemctl restart salt-minion" did put the asset back to the "Pending Assets" section. :)

    Thank you very much for your hellp.

    Chao-Yu Cheng
    Network Engineer
    Frenchtown NJ
    908 566-3547